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Physiotherapy initial assessment 

Book yours physiotherapy session with Gianmarco 

1 hour session 

90 £

45 min. follow ups 

75 £

Service description 

The session is divided into three main sections:


1. Medical case history: you will have the opportunity to share all the information about the reason of your visit. Gianmarco will review and explain any relevant medical reports or imaging you might have and will ask medical questions to have a full understandment of your presentation.


2. The functional assessment: Gianmarco will check your mobility and muscle tension, assessing the joints, testing the muscles involved (please bear in mind you may be asked to undress in order to expose the area you are complaining with, it is also advisable to wear something flexible and comfortable like gym wear). This is fundamental to consolidate the case history information and establish the treatment plan.


3. The treatment: Gianmarco will use manual therapy techniques appropriate to your presentation and choosen as the best option for you. They include soft tissue release, mobilization of the joints, manipulations (yes, the 'clicks' if appropriate and safe to perform in your case) and dry needling/acupuncture techniques. He will also show you (or send via email) a number of exercises to perform at home and in between sessions to improve your self-management strategies and progress in your improvements. General advice and education is also part of the treatment and you will have the opportunity to ask any questions during and at the end of the treatment.

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